Thursday, June 30, 2011

Top 10 Foods for Clean Arteries

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Top 10 Foods for Clean Arteries

Top 10 Foods for Clean ArteriesCertain foods are known to promote a healthy circulatory system and reduce blood pressure, thereby helping to prevent heart disease, according to With the right foods, you can manage body weight, stay within the recommended daily sodium allowance and maintain a healthy heart. Learn about the special foods that help clear your arteries of plaque, improve blood flow to your organs and heart, and restore your health.

Dairy notes the benefits of drinking skimmed milk, and Dr. Applegate, a nationally renowned expert on nutrition and fitness based out of the University of California at Davis, points out that modest amounts of cheeses such as gruyere, cheddar, parmesan and Swiss, contribute calcium, keeping blood pressure stable.

Whole Grains

Whole grains, especially oatmeal and oat bran, have been found to be high in soluble fibers which can lower cholesterol. These foods have the ability to bind to the "bad" cholesterol (LDL), flushing it from the body.


Fresh fish is one of the best animal proteins you can consume, being high in heart-healing omega 3 fatty acids. Fish is also high in monounsaturated fats and calcium, which have been found to be helpful in lowering blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.

Dr. Applegate points out that clams are high in omega 3 and 6 oils, as well as sterols which help the body block the absorption of cholesterol.


Pectin is a natural fiber that is found in apples and citrus fruits. Pectin binds to cholesterol and helps flush it from the blood. Dr. Applegate explains that apples have been shown to lower cholesterol levels as much as 10 percent over a six-week period. Both oranges and lemons are high in potassium, and aid the kidneys' regulation of blood pressure. Grapefruit contains important nutrients like vitamin C and folic acid. Lycopene, an antioxidant that offers protection against cholesterol damage, is found in pink grapefruit.


Folic acid and vitamin B is found in corn, which helps protect the arteries and is high on the list of Dr. Applegate's Heart-Smart Foods. She explains how onions and avocados are helpful in protecting blood vessel walls by preventing the build up of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol.

Nuts and Seeds

According to Edgar Cayce in his book, "Nourishing the Body Temple: Edgar Cayce's Approach to Nutrition," 10 raw almonds a day can prevent cancer and other chronic diseases, though this claim has not been proven in scientific studies. High in minerals and phytonutrients, monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, almonds are a heart-healthy wonder food.


Olive oil is high in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and is recommended by health care advocates and doctors alike for heart and artery health.

Dried Beans

Dried beans are full of soluble fiber to assist in lowering cholesterol, and are also high in vitamin B and folic acid. Consuming beans or legumes helps to prevent clogged arteries, according to Dr. Applegate.


Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties and is considered a natural antibiotic that may also help prevent blood clots by lowering cholesterol. One clove of raw garlic a day offers artery protection, says Dr. Applegate.


The "Journal of the American Medical Association" points out that about ½ oz. of dark chocolate each day helps protect the heart and control blood pressure due to its being rich in phenols, which are known to be helpful in keeping arteries clear of plaque.

Source :


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Stop the Progression of Plaque in Arteries

How to Stop the Progression of Plaque in Arteries
Young woman image by anshuca from

How to Stop the Progression of Plaque in ArteriesTraditionally we think of plaque as an accumulation of fatty material that coats arterial walls where it hardens and causes arteriosclerosis. This accumulated, hard plaque can narrow the opening of the arteries, but the body adjusts to this slow process over time. Hard, stable plaque is not what concerns modern cardiologists. Steven Nissen, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic, reports that six out of seven heart attacks are caused by inflammation and the rupture of a totally different kind of plaque formation called vulnerable plaque. This dangerous substance grows inside the artery walls, and it is both preventable and manageable.

Step 1
Stop leaving left-over fat in your blood for your arterial tissues to eat. The cells in your arteries attract the fat that you don't consume to make energy. If you eat the same number of calories as you exert each day there will be less free-floating fat molecules for the cells of your arterial walls to consume, and this will block the formation of vulnerable plaque. Weigh yourself and accurately measure your height, then use these measurements to determine your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, from one of many on-line BMR calculators. That equals the number of calories you need to just be alive. Multiplying your BMR by 1.2 allows you to determine the number of calories you need to stay at the same weight. Eating anything in excess of this number gives your arterial cells extra fat to capture, and this is how vulnerable plaque begins.

Step 2
Eat to minimize inflammation. Foods to avoid are those that put too much glucose in the body at one time including: white bread, white rice, sugar, fruit juice in excess of 1/2 cup at a meal, soda and sports drinks. According to the Texas Heart Institute, foods that are proven to fight inflammation and decrease vulnerable plaque formation include those with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, avocado, walnuts and olive oil as well as fruits and vegetables, which are high in the anti-oxidant vitamins A, E and C. Fiber also lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood and can come from whole grains and vegetables

Step 3
Brush your teeth twice a day to eliminate a common cause of inflammation, tooth and gum disease. Once arterial cells grab free floating fat they become inflamed. This process takes place more readily if you are living in a chronically inflamed state already. In addition, both infection and inflammation happening elsewhere in your body can lead to the rupture of existing vulnerable plaque in your arteries. This breakage leads to the clot formation that causes heart attacks. Gingivitis is a chronic source of infection and inflammation in the gums. To avoid this cause of vulnerable plaque, add flossing to your daily brushing and see a dental hygienist at least once a year for deep cleaning.
Step 4

Use yoga to deal with other sources of inflammation including fibromyalgia, arthritis or chronic low back pain. Classes in restorative yoga were proven to increase flexibility and lower the level of cytokinine interleukin-6, an inflamatory compound, in a study performed at Ohio State University and published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine.

Step 5
Raise you HDL cholesterol. High density lipoprotein scoops up excess fat and carries it to your liver for disposal so that it is not available for the formation of vulnerable plaque. An HDL of 40 mg per deciliter in men or 50 mg per deciliter in women meets most people's needs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but a higher level can be even better. Find out your HDL by having a fasting blood lipid test. Then, raise it by correcting your weight to a body mass index under 25; this can be achieved by eliminating smoking and through daily exercise. If you are an adult and do not have an alcohol abuse habit, consider adding 4 oz, or 1/2 cup, of beer or wine to your daily menu. This small amount can increase your HDL by 16 mg per deciliter for an investment of less than 100 calories a day, according to a study published in the 2001 Postgraduate Medical Journal by Harvard researchers, Eric Rimm and L.M. Hines.

Step 6
Discuss with your doctor whether adding one aspirin a day will help protect you in case your vulnerable plaque becomes inflamed and breaks open. When the fat inside vulnerable plaque mixes with blood, clots form; aspirin can prevent this process. Since heart attacks and strokes can occur if clots lodge in the blood vessels that supply your heart or brain, remembering your daily aspirin could save your life.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eating Healthy & Exercise Reverse Damage to Your Arteries & Heart?

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Can Eating Healthy & Exercise Reverse Damage to Your Arteries & Heart?

Can Eating Healthy & Exercise Reverse Damage to Your Arteries 
& Heart?Arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, occurs when high cholesterol produces fatty deposits called plaque in arteries, narrowing them and making them less elastic. This interferes with blood flow, a particularly dangerous situation for the coronary arteries that supply the heart. If uncorrected, arteriosclerosis may lead to heart attack and result in heart damage. Eating a heart healthy diet and pursuing an exercise program can reverse arterial damage and improve the function of your heart. Consult your doctor to develop a diet and exercise program appropriate for your situation.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute recommends a plan of lifestyle changes to lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. The plan is called Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes, or TLC. It includes a diet low in fat, with less than 7 percent of all calories coming from saturated fats and little or no dietary cholesterol. To follow this plan, avoid meats high in fat such as steak, hamburger, bacon or sausage. Replace these with skinless poultry or fish. Check food labels and avoid products that contain saturated or trans fats. Instead of full-fat dairy products, choose low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese, or soy-based dairy substitutes.

Healthy Fats
--> Consuming certain healthy fats will also help lower cholesterol and improve your heart health. Monounsaturated fats found in olive, peanut and canola oils are very good choices, as are the polyunsaturated fats in nuts such as walnuts and almonds. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help reverse damage to your heart and blood vessels. These fats, found in many fish, tend to lower bad cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, while raising good cholesterol, high density lipoprotein. Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, halibut, mackerel and herring.

Foods High in Fiber
Adding foods high in fiber to your diet is also an important strategy to lower your cholesterol and improve your heart health. Whole grain goods lower your blood pressure and keep your digestive system working smoothly. Choose whole-grain breads, cereals and baked goods, and consume lots of brown rice, barley, quinoa and other healthy grains. Foods high in soluble fiber will also help keep your cholesterol low. Good examples of these foods include oatmeal and oat bran, potatoes, bananas, apples, berries and legumes such as peas, beans and lentils.

Increasing your level of exercise may also help lower your cholesterol and help clear plaque from your arteries. If you are healthy, the American Heart Association recommends you perform moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise for 30 minutes daily, aiming to raise your heart rate to 50 to 85 percent of its maximum rate. It lists brisk walking, hiking, stair climbing, jogging or bicycling as good activities, but also suggests that you add exercise to your regimen gradually, building up your stamina. Consult your doctor to determine the proper level of exercise for your situation.

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Monday, June 27, 2011

Food or Drinks to Help Keep Your Arteries Clean

Your arterial health can be degraded by food and drinks that increase your blood pressure or blood cholesterol. When these ratios become unsafe, fatty plaque can accumulate inside your arteries and obstruct blood flow. This condition, called atherosclerosis, is a form of heart disease that can prematurely end your life with the effects of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. Avoid fatty and salty foods, and fill your daily diet with foods and beverages that discourage high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Fruits contribute to normal blood pressure with their strong dietary potassium and low sodium contents. Dried fruits have increased mineral value. Aside from avocados, most fresh, canned and frozen fruits have less than 1 g of saturated fat per suggested serving, for a very low impact on your blood cholesterol. Fruit products with the best nutritional profiles for arterial health include prune juice, raisins, bananas, cantaloupes and papayas.
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Many vegetables have benefits similar to fruits' in maintaining cardiovascular and blood equilibrium. The USDA reports that daily vegetable consumption of 2 1/2 cups or more decreases your risk for heart attacks and strokes. Tomato juice, cooked spinach, squash, and cooked dry beans and peas all contain high potassium and naturally low sodium. In order to keep your arteries clean, buy or cook vegetables with little to no added salt, butter or oil.


Whole-grain foods and rice-based drinks are also naturally low in sodium and detrimental saturated fat. Check the nutrient profiles per serving of ready-to-eat cereals on package labels to choose those with lower sodium contents. The soluble fiber in oatmeal and oat bran, in particular, has a balancing effect on blood cholesterol levels to keep your arteries clean.

Protein Foods

A similar good effect on "bad" blood cholesterol comes from protein foods such as fish that offer omega-3 unsaturated fats. These beneficial fats also promote normal heartbeat and blood pressure. Salmon and sardines are good sources of omega-3s. Legumes such as pintos beans and split peas are vegetable foods that provide protein and that benefit your arterial health with some of the highest potassium content of all foods.

Dairy Items

Dairy foods such as yogurt and milk offer significant potassium and relatively low sodium. You can avoid saturated fat completely by consuming non-fat varieties. To keep your blood pressure in bounds and reduce your risk for atherosclerosis, check the nutrient contents of cheeses before buying. Select those such as Swiss and Parmesan, which are made with less salt and mozzarella and that have less saturated fat than other cheeses.

About this Author

Nancy ClarkeNancy Clarke began writing in 1988 after achieving her Bachelor of Arts in English and has edited books on medicine, diet, senior care and other health topics. Her related affiliations include work for the American Medical Association and Oregon Health Plan.



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Foods That Reduce Clogged Arteries

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Foods That Reduce Clogged Arteries

Foods That Reduce Clogged ArteriesArterial clogs occur due to plaque build up. Plaque is comprised of fat, cholesterol and calcium. Blocked arteries prevent oxygen-rich blood from flowing to and from your heart, which ultimately makes your heart work harder to supply the body with blood. The eventual consequence of arterial blockage is heart attack or stroke, in addition to the risk of developing heart disease and other organ damage. Different factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes contribute to clogged arteries. However, each condition is helped by changing poor dietary habits and eating foods that promote heart health.

Nuts and Seeds

--> Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and pistachios reduce blood cholesterol and improve arterial health. indicates that nuts contain polyunsaturated fats, which remain in liquid form in the bloodstream, as opposed to hardening and causing blockage. Sunflower, sesame and wheat germ seeds are also significant for reducing cholesterol build up in the arteries. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests eating approximately 1.5oz of nuts or seeds daily to improve your chances of healthy blood flow in your arteries and to also reduce your low density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol levels. Stay away from salted or sugar coated nuts and avoid overeating nuts because they are high in calories.


Adding fish to your diet is important for protecting your heart from blood clots and inflammation. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which is not made naturally by the body, but plays an important role in reducing the risk of developing heart and neurological conditions. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute suggests eating two meals with fish every week to reduce arterial blockage. Omega-3 is highest in fish such as mackerel, salmon and tuna. Grill, broil or bake your fish using herbs and spices instead of oils with high sodium and sugar content.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a significant source of fiber, which is important in lowering blood cholesterol and reducing plaque in your arteries. The American Heart Association recommends eating 25 to 30g of dietary fiber daily. Fruits such as citrus, apples and strawberries are highest in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber stabilizes blood glucose levels and decreases LDL cholesterol in the blood by slowing the process of digestion. Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, carrots and turnips provide another source of fiber referred to as insoluble. Insoluble fiber helps to regulate the bowels and remove waste matter from your body. Eating vegetables or fruit with every meal reduces the amount of plaque in your arteries and prevents the incidence of high blood pressure.

Oats, Bran and Grains

Whole grain foods are important for artery health and they also contain a healthy source of fiber. Oatmeal, bran cereal and breads or pastas from whole grains decrease cholesterol and aid in lowering blood pressure. Try to incorporate whole grain products into each meal or in daily snacks. One cup of oatmeal or tuna on whole wheat bread can help protect your arteries. Choose whole grains instead of processed or refined breads to maximize fiber content.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Diet to Clean Heart Arteries

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Diet to Clean Heart Arteries
Diet to Clean Heart Arteries


Plaque buildup in your arteries can signal many health risks. If blood cannot flow easily to the heart and other organs, you increase your chances of a heart attack, stroke and chronic cardiovascular diseases. Medication and physical activity are a couple of ways to keep heart arteries clean; however, diet is very important as well. Nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich foods should comprise most of your diet to maintain healthy arteries.


--> Fish contain a significant amount of omega-3 fats, which can help your body in many ways. They can raise HDL, or "good," cholesterol, which can reduce artery plaque buildup. Choose fish like trout, herring, anchovies and tuna to obtain plenty of omega 3's. If eating fish does not thrill you, you can choose flaxseeds, soybeans or canola oil instead.


Fiber can aid in reducing heart artery plaque. Soluble fiber binds cholesterol, decreasing the likelihood of absorption into your body. Plaque and cholesterol are instead, excreted and eliminated as a waste product. Eat fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, brown rice, millet and whole wheat pastas.

Fruits and Vegetables

Plenty of fruits and veggies are rich in antioxidants, which combat free radicals. They also naturally contain nutrients that help clean heart arteries -- some more than others. Apples contain soluble fiber, which decreases cholesterol and eliminates it from your system. Avocados have oleic acid, which lowers LDL cholesterol, or low density lipoproteins, also known as the "bad" cholesterol, which can clog your arteries.


Nuts contain both polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats; these are effective at reducing artery plaque and fighting cholesterol. Almonds, brazil nuts, pistachios and peanuts are a few that aid in lowering LDL cholesterol. Walnuts are particularly useful because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which also clean out arteries and prevent plaque buildup.

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Copy DVD Software and how to instal

Original movies and other video files used to be very difficult to copy, with the copyright infringement laws and the encryption that is built-in the DVDs to prevent unauthorized duplication. There is however a computer program that has been effective in decrypting the content scrambling system technology that is included in every original DVD copy. This computer software, called DVD X Copy allowed consumers to copy the contents of a DVD into a blank disc. The software runs on Windows. Below are the steps on how to install DVD X Copy on your computer.

Buy a copy of the DVD X Copy installer disk. Go to your favorite reputable computer programs and parts shop. Have the shop assistant test the disc to make sure that it is working. Alternatively you can check out the 321 Studios, the company that created the software and the website it maintains to sell the program. You will see a list of the different versions of the program and their features. Choose the one that will fit your requirements and your budget and click the appropriate button to buy the software directly from the website. Fill up the order requirement, pay for the software and download it.
Insert the installer on your DVD drive. Or access the program from the drive where you stored it when you downloaded it. If you have a disc, place it in the DVD drive and wait for the program to initialize. Choose the right language that you want the program to install on your hard drive before clicking the Next button.
More info about DVD Software
While DVD recording is currently a contentious issue, there is more and more demand for DVD backup software. As DVDs are vulnerable from scratches and general deterioration, sensible people are looking to create copies. In this article we will explain some of the problems you may have experienced while copying a DVD and offer you the software to help you do so successfully. The copied disc will also have the benefit of being region free, allowing you to play it on 'any' DVD player.
A DVD disc generally contains a movie, therefore we will focus on making a copy of a DVD movie. First we will introduce you to the DVD format, tell you why you can’t simply copy it and reveal the process necessary to make a reproduction. After that we will discuss some useful tools to assist you in making your backup.
What’s on a DVD?
Once you have purchased a DVD that you want to copy, place it in your DVD-ROM drive and check out its contents. Within the disc you will find several folders. Normally you should see a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folder. The AUDIO_TS folder is used to store DVD Audio, the VIDEO_TS to store DVD Movies.
We will be focusing on a movie DVD, so we’ll enter the VIDEO_TS folder. In this folder you will find .VOB .BUP and .IFO files. The VOB file contains the actual movie files. This is an MPEG-2 encoded file. In short, MPEG-2 is a method of movie compression, just as MP3 files compress audio. The file will also contain audio, normally found in a compressed format. This is an improved form of MP3, named AC-3. The .VOB files will also contain subtitles and multiple camera angles.
The .IFO files are the information files, used by your DVD playing device. It gives the DVD player information on what .VOB files to load and when - e.g. when to start a new chapter. The .BUP files are simply a backup of the IFO files and generally have no use, they will only be used when an .IFO files become unreadable somehow.
Let’s copy those files!
You would think it would be as easy as copying files to a folder on your hard disk and then burning them to a recordable DVD, but unfortunately DVD producers don't make it that easy. The files copied will contain useless data and your copy will not work.
DVD movies are protected by a Content Scrambling System (CSS), a protection developed and adopted by Hollywood Studios. It simply protects them from pirates who want to make copies to sell in bulk. The protection encrypts the data on a DVD and requires a special key to decrypt it. Some DVD playing software developers have received a key from the studios allowing their software to read the information, but unfortunately the studios don’t hand out keys to just anyone.
However the protection has proven to be weak and has been beaten by many applications. Most of these protection applications are based on software called DeCSS. Removing the DeCSS protection and getting the movies to a hard drive is referred to as ripping. A CSS movie may also contain a protection developed by Macrovision, also features on many VHS tapes. Software that is able to remove CSS, will easily remove this Macrovision protection.
Another problem you'll find, is that if you're planning to record your movie to a recordable DVD, it simply won’t fit. Currently DVD discs can only contain about 4.7 (actually it’s 4.38) Gigabytes of data. These are generally referred to as DVD-5 (4.7 ~ 5). The movie you have purchased might contain a lot more Gigabytes and many movies are released with up to about 9 Gigabytes of data (DVD-9). It is plain that a DVD-9 movie, will not fit on a DVD-5 disc.
Thankfully however, there is simple software available, allowing you to make copies of all your favourite DVDs. Although DVDEXPLODER does not condone the illegal copying of movies for the pirate market, it does not seem fair that an individual should suffer from the deterioration of purchased DVD discs.
Our software comes loaded with an extensive list of practical and amazingly valuable features that will totally satisfy your burning needs. These start from backing up your CDs and DVDs in different formats and ending with the creation of fascinating photo albums and rock solid, reliable backups.
Main Features
You can easily create and burn regular data CDs/DVDs
AudioCD recording functionality is included
Direct disk-to-disk copying is a cinch
Quickly build and burn ISO Images
Burning Video DVDs is no problem
Create awesome, personalized photo CD/DVD albums
Rest assured with the full-featured backup utility
CD/DVD burning from the command line for you pro's
Drive and media information utility included
Supports IDE/EIDE, USB, SCSI, and Fire Wire CD/DVD writers
Burning Features
Overburn function
Buffer underrun technology "Burn-Proof"
DAO, SAO and TAO Writing methods support
Support for CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD+R / DVD-RW / DVD+RW / DVD-RAM
Create Multi-session CDs
Write on Rewritable CDs/DVDs
Bootable CD/DVD support
Specific Features
Dynamically adjustable drive buffer size
High Performance File/Disc Caching
Supports Long File Name (Joliet) File Systems
Creates ISO (100% DOS/Windows) compatible data CDs/DVDs
Supports multiple simultaneous recorders
Ease of Use and Compatibility
Easy to use wizards help you create any type of burning project
The Autorun Wizard makes it easy to create effective autoruns for your CDs
You can even easily make your own cover, booklet or case insert
Multi-language interface, of course


Friday, June 24, 2011

Can Foods Clean Arteries?

Can Foods Clean Arteries?whole-meal pipes macaroni image by Maria Brzostowska from

Can Foods Clean Arteries?
The arteries are an important portion of your cardiovascular system and serve the function of carrying fresh, oxygen-rich blood from your heart to different branches of your body. Arteries expand as they fill with blood and contract to push blood through other parts of the cardiovascular system like the arterioles, capillaries and veins. A blockage in your arteries can result in a weakened heart, coronary artery disease or stroke. Lifestyle factors such as diet, physical activity level and smoking impact arterial health. Certain foods and changes to your diet can reduce your risk of arterial plaque buildup and heart damage.
Fatty Food, Cholesterol and Clogged Arteries

--> Food can clog your arteries just as it can clean them. High saturated or trans fat food creates plaque accumulation in your arteries by adding cholesterol or triglycerides to your blood. Cholesterol is a waxy-type substance important for producing hormones and to aid in nutrient digestion. However, consumption of fatty or high-cholesterol foods causes oxidation of your blood. Fatty foods also contain triglycerides, a fat substance that is packaged with cholesterol and transported through your blood. High triglyceride levels result in clotting or plaque build-up. Furthermore, a high-saturated-fat and high-sodium diet increases your risk of high blood pressure, which weakens your arteries. High-fat foods include red meat, fried foods and processed foods such as cake, potato chips and whole dairy.

Whole Grains Reduce Arterial Plaque

Whole grains include wheat, brown rice, barley, oats and kasha. Whole grains provide a source of fiber and complex carbohydrates for slow release of glucose, and they are naturally low fat. The fiber serves as a digestive cleanser to reduce low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol, levels, in your blood and prevent intestinal absorption of cholesterol, notes the Linus Pauling Institute. Decreased LDL cholesterol reduces the risk of plaque accumulation in your arteries. Whole grains are also naturally low in sodium, which lessens the risk of high blood pressure. Choose whole grain breads, pastas and cereals over processed white grains for the most benefit.

Fish Filters and Protects

Fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna provides healthy omega-3 fatty acids important for protecting your heart by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and arterial plaque. According to the Cleveland Clinic, two 6-ounce servings of fish per week protect you from heart disease. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish clear your arteries of clots that can cause narrowing or hardening leading to plaque. Fish reduces blood clots by acting as an anti-coagulant, and the omega-3s increase your high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol, levels. Good cholesterol acts as a scavenger of bad cholesterol to filter impurities from your blood. Enjoy grilled, baked or broiled fish instead of high-fat red meat to clean and protect your arteries.

Vegetables and Fruits Process Slower

Vegetables and fruits are loaded with antioxidants, substances that keep your blood clean. Produce also takes longer to digest and is a good source of fiber. Slow digestion is important to keep your blood sugar level normal and allows the plant sterols to block the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines. Consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily to increase arterial health. The University at Buffalo suggests corn, squash and watermelon for slow digestion to clean your arteries.

Dark Chocolate and Additional Considerations

Dark chocolate is a rich source of flavonoids, a form of antioxidant that protects your arteries and keeps your blood from oxidizing. Harvard Health Publications notes that preliminary studies indicate dark chocolate prevents blood from clotting, lowers blood pressure and improves the inner lining of the arteries. The next time you have a sweet tooth, choose a small portion of dark chocolate to satiate the craving while you also protect your arteries. For best artery cleansing results eat a low-fat diet plentiful in plant-based foods. Include fish servings twice weekly in your meals, limit junk food snacking and eat smaller meals with snacks in between.

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Can Fish Oil Reverse Plaque in Arteries?

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Can Fish Oil Reverse Plaque in Arteries?


Can Fish Oil Reverse Plaque in Arteries?Plaque, a buildup of low-density lipoprotein (the so-called "bad" cholesterol), white blood cells, calcium and debris on the inside of the arteries, can lead to heart attack and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may help reverse plaque buildup in the arteries and reduce the risk of heart disease.


The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have anti-inflammatory effects as well as the ability to reduce platelet aggregation, the ability of platelets to stick together. Inflammation damages the inside of the artery walls, which encourages the formation of blood clots to heal the damage. Fish oil also acts as a blood thinner and dilates bloods vessels. Fish oil can also reduce levels of triglycerides, the form of fat stored in your body, as well as LDL. Taking fish oil also improves your intake ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty acids, a ratio that should be around 1:5 but is actually around 1:17 in the average American diet, according to the University of Minnesota.


The various actions of fish oil work together to decrease or reduce plaque formation and the risk of heart disease. Fish oil reduces the amount of LDL available to build up as plaque. Decreasing inflammation on the blood vessel walls decreases the number of platelets that congregate at the site to repair it, which in turn reduces the risk of clot formation. Clots can break off and lodge in arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart, causing heart attack, or to the brain, causing stroke. Dilated bloods vessels have less of a chance of total blockage from plaque. Improving your omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio increases prostacyclin, which reduces platelet activity and decreases arterial spasms, and decreases thromboxanem, which has the opposite effect.


Researchers from the University of Southampton assessed the effects of sunflower oil or placebo compared to fish oil on plaque formation in patients with existing carotid artery plaque. Patients were waiting to undergo carotid endarectomy, a procedure to remove plaque from the carotid arteries. The study, published in the February 2003 issue of "The Lancet," found that patients taking fish oil had reduced inflammation at plaque sites and less likelihood of having a thin fibrous cap over plaque sites, which increases the risk of plaque rupture. Plaque rupture increases clot formation as white blood cells and platelets rush to the site to heal it.


Increasing your dietary fish intake of fatty fish such as salmon to twice a week increases your omega-3 fatty acid intake. To have an effect on plaque, your doctor may also recommend taking between 1 and 4 g of fish oil per day. Do not take more than 1 g per day without talking with your doctor first, especially if you take blood thinners or have diabetes. Fish oil can potentiate the actions of blood thinners, possibly causing excessive bleeding. Fish oil can also increase blood glucose levels.

Source :


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Causes of Hardening of the Arteries

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Causes of Hardening of the Arteries
Causes of Hardening of the Arteries

Hardening of the arteries, also called atherosclerosis, results from the buildup of fatty deposits and other substances in the lining of the arteries. This buildup, or plaque, significantly reduces blood flow in the arteries, the American Hearth Association explains. Heart disease can develop. Plaques can rupture and form blood clots that travel through the body and may block vessels that feed the heart, causing a heart attack. Blocking blood flow to the brain can cause a stroke. Chest pain from angina also results from the reduced blood flow.

High Cholesterol

Diets high in saturated fats increase low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol levels to increase the risk of hardening of the arteries, according to the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. Cholesterol levels normally increase as people age, and some people inherit high cholesterol levels. Diabetics have an increased risk of developing high cholesterol levels. The body has certain amounts of cholesterol for cell function, but excess cholesterol can come from food.

Unhealthy Diet
Sticking to diets low in saturated fat and trans fat helps keep LDL levels down. Saturated and trans fats can cause hardening of the arteries. Red meat, many fast foods or processed foods, and whole dairy products contain high amounts of saturated and trans fats. People can replace those fats with healthier monounsaturated fats, found in canola and olive oil, and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, tuna and other fish. Although moderate drinking of alcohol may have healthy benefits, heavy alcohol use increases the risk of developing hardening of the arteries, MedlinePlus notes.
Sedentary Lifestyle

Physical inactivity can raise risk factors for hardening of the arteries. A lack of exercise along with an unhealthy diet can contribute to factors that cause atherosclerosis. Being overweight or obese can lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Losing weight helps decrease the risks. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, cholesterol decreases the risk of atherosclerosis. HDL may pick up excess cholesterol on the artery walls and bring it to the liver where it leaves the body. Exercising regularly helps increase HDL levels while lowering blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels to protect against hardening of the arteries.

Smoking significantly increases the risk of developing heart disease. People who quit smoking, no matter how long they smoked, have only half the risk of developing heart disease as compared to people who continue to smoke, according to Merck Manuals. Tobacco use increases LDL cholesterol levels and decreases HDL levels. Increased levels of carbon monoxide in the blood through smoking can injure the lining of artery walls. Smoking contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels to reduce blood flow and increases the risk of blood clots.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Food to Remove Plaque From Arteries

Food to Remove Plaque From Arteries
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Food to Remove Plaque From Arteries
The plaque in arteries is low-density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol, that builds up over time. Diets high in saturated fat are the leading cause for heart disease due to high cholesterol levels, according to the American Heart Association. To prevent health complications such as arterial disease, heart attack and stroke, you can eat foods that help remove this plaque accumulation.
Vegetable Oils, Corn, Nuts, Sesame Oils

The American Heat Association recommends you limit your fat intake to 25 percent to 35 percent of your daily calories and that the sources should be from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Both of types help reduce cholesterol levels and remove plaque from arteries. Monounsaturated fats, however, are more effective than polyunsaturated; they help lower bad cholesterol levels while raising high-density, or good, cholesterol, according to the book "Cholesterol Cures." Monounsaturated fats are structurally different than saturated fats and help scrape plaque buildup off arterial walls. Monounsaturated fats come from vegetable oils such as olive, sunflower and safflower oil. Polyunsaturated fats come from corn, nuts and sesame oils.
Whole Grains, Cereals, Vegetables, Fruits

Foods high in fiber help lower and eliminate cholesterol from the body. For example, soluble fiber binds to cholesterol-containing bile acids, causing them to be excreted. With this reduction of bile acid in the intestines, less cholesterol absorbs into the bloodstream and prevents plaque buildup, according to Julian Whitaker in the book "Reversing Heart Disease." Fiber also slows the manufacture of cholesterol in the liver while encouraging weight loss and maintenance. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

The most important compound in fish that helps in removing plaque is omega-3 fatty acids. It's a polyunsaturated fat that can help lower overall cholesterol levels, as well as triglycerides. The compounds eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, the omega-3 fatty acids present in fish, help prevent heart disease resulting from increased cholesterol buildup and high blood pressure, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Fatty fish varieties include tuna, herring, sardines, lake trout and mackerel. Due to the high mercury levels usually found in fish, you should limit your intake to no more than twice a week, the UMMC suggests.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Food to Keep Arteries Healthy

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Food to Keep Arteries Healthy
Food to Keep Arteries Healthy

Arterial disease usually occurs due to high blood pressure, heart disease or high cholesterol. A poor diet that is rich in saturated fats and salt significantly increases your risk for arterial complications, including peripheral artery disease, arterial hardening and clots. If you have high cholesterol and triglycerides, your arteries will have plaque buildup that restricts blood flow to your appendages, heart and brain. Eating certain foods can help to keep your arteries healthy and clear of plaque.


Arterial plaque looks similar to scar tissue. The plaque consists of inflamed cells, fibrous tissue and smooth muscle cells that grow into the arterial lining, according to Dr. David Spence in the book "How to Prevent Your Stroke." The cells swell with cholesterol that they take up and store. Oatmeal is an excellent source of soluble fiber, which decreases the amount of low-density lipoprotein, also known as LDL or bad cholesterol. This fiber type helps to reduce absorption of cholesterol into your blood. Simply eating 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal delivers 6 g of fiber, according to

Monounsaturated Fat

Monounsaturated oils are very effective in lowering LDL levels while raising high-density lipoprotein, or good cholesterol, according to the book "Cleveland Clinic Healthy Heart Lifestyle Guide and Cookbook." Monounsaturated fats should not exceed 20 percent of your total calories. Regular consumption of this fat may help to lower your total cholesterol by up to 10 percent, the book says. In fact, substituting monounsaturated fat for saturated fat can cut the risk of artery and heart disease by 19 percent. Monounsaturated oils include olive, canola, peanut and soybean oil, as well as avocados and peanuts.


Fatty fish varieties, such as lake trout, halibut and salmon are abundant with omega-3 fatty acids, according to These acids help to reduce atherosclerosis, or arterial hardening, by reducing cholesterol and triglycerides, especially in diabetics, according to Adrianne Bendich and Richard Deckelbaum in the book "Preventive Nutrition." says that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce high blood pressure and the risk of developing blood clots.

Ashley Tyson

About this Author

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Ashley Tyson is an avid writer and anthropologist who has written for numerous publications. As a freelance writing professional since 2005, Tyson's areas of interests include lifestyle, business, medicine, forensics, animals and green living. She has a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology from San Francisco State University and a Master of Science in forensic science from Pace University.
  Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Clean Arteries – How to Remove Plaque from Arteries Natrually

Clean Arteries – How to Remove Plaque from Arteries Natrually

How the Pauling Therapy Works in Removing Plaque from Arteries

Coronary Artery
Cross-section of Clogged Coronary Artery. Taken from
individual who died of massive heart attack.
Photo courtesy of

Heart Disease 
Collagen Fibers Add Strength & Flexibility
to Your Blood Vessels.

Coronary Artery Disease : Why Plaque Builds Up in Arteries

Coronary Artery 
Proper nutrition allows body to produce enough collagen to keep coronary arteries healthy.
Coronary Artery 
Mechanical & oxidative stress cause damage to endothelium. Nutritional deficiency prevents collagen production to fix damage. Plaque forms instead to prevent leaks.
Coronary Artery 
If nutritional deficiency continues, arteries get weaker and plaque builds up.
Coronary Artery 
When enough plaque builds up, angina pain or heart attack results.

Reversal of Coronary Artery Disease : How to Remove Plaque From Arteries

Reversal of 
Coronary Artery Disease
Proper nutrition enables body to produce collagen and to begin repairing damage.
Reversal of 
Coronary Artery Disease
L-lysine and l-proline bind to free floating Lp(a) molecules in blood to prevent the deposition of more plaque.
Reversal of 
Coronary Artery Disease
L-lysine and l-proline bind to the Lp(a) molecules in the plaque and transport them to the liver for removal.
Reversal of 
Coronary Artery Disease
Proper nutrition allows enough collagen production to keep coronary arteries healthy.Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get enough of these heart-healthy nutrients from your diet. Nutritional supplements are needed to help your body repair the damage caused by years of improper nutrition and to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. And that is exactly why we invented The Pauling Therapy.
Removing Plaque From Arteries
The ingredients in the Pauling Therapy are supported by 300 years of scientific/medical research and clinical experience. These studies were published in well-respected, peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals (such as the Journal of the American Medical Association). The Pauling Therapy is not only effective, but has also been proven safe for those on heart medicines such as statins and blood thinners.
How to Remove Plaque from Arteries
This information is NOT hidden, but neither is it well-known. And, since nutritional science is not taught in most medical schools, most doctors are not aware of this research. More and more doctors, however, are seeing the results of this nutritional protocol and are whole-heartedly endorsing the Pauling Therapy.
The Cause of Heart Disease
Collagen is the major connective tissue protein fiber in your body. Your blood vessels owe their strength and flexibility to collagen fibers. Without collagen your blood vessels would loose their structural integrity and begin to leak. If fact, this is what happens in Scurvy.
If you suffer from an acute deficiency of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and other nutrients, your body stops producing collagen. Without collagen to repair the inevitable damage from mechanical and oxidative stress, your blood vessels grow weaker and weaker, and you eventually die from scurvy.
If you suffer from a chronic deficiency of Vitamin C (and other nutrients), your body produces collagen that “cannot properly form fibers, resulting in blood-vessel fragility.” [Physicians Desk Reference] Your body, being very efficient, tries to repair the damage with whatever happens to be floating around in the blood stream. The progressive accumulation of plaque deposits on the interior lining of your coronary arteries (arteriosclerosis) is simply your body’s attempt to place patches over the damaged portions of the arteries in order to prevent them from springing a leak. Your coronary arteries are affected the most because, being so close to the heart, they are subject to the greatest mechanical and oxidative stress.
How The Pauling Therapy Works
Once you know the cause of heart disease, the way to control high cholesterol and cure heart disease becomes obvious! Dr. Pauling formulated his high blood pressure remedies based on his knowledge of the nutrients your body needs to produce enough collagen to keep your cardiovascular system healthy, all while keeping in mind that some of these nutrients are very hard to get enough of from the typical American diet. You may have heard that people from other cultures (Asian, French, and Italian) have much lower rates of heart disease. This is because their diets have more of these nutrients.
Dr. Linus Pauling & Dr. Matthias Rath Explain How the Pauling Therapy Works
“Atherosclerosis starts with one or more lesions in the endothelium [lining] of your coronary arteries caused by mechanical and/or oxidative stress. If you are healthy, your body simply repairs the damage by manufacturing and laying down Elastin [a form of collagen] to make your arteries as good as new.
Chronic Nutritional Deficiency
“If your body is suffering from a chronic nutritional deficiency, however, this simple and easy repair job doesn’t get done or it gets done with defective Elastin. Either way the lesions in your endothelium expose lysine binding sites to the blood. The lipo segment of the free floating Lipoprotein(a) molecules, which have lysine residuals attached to it, are deposited at the site of the lesion. The protein segment of the Lp(a) molecules have residuals that encourage both fibrinogen and calcium to adhere to it. This is the etiology [cause] of plaque formation.
A Patch Made of Plaque
“So, in essence, your body forms a patch (much like a scab) over the lesion. Your body should be admired for its ingenuity in fixing the problem. Of course, if your chronic nutritional deficiency continues, these patches need to become more numerous and to grow thicker and thicker in order to do their job of preventing your coronary arteries from springing a leak.
Animals Don’t Get Heart Disease
“Atherosclerosis rarely occurs in animals because most animals can manufacture the nutrients they need to repair damaged coronary arteries. A goat, for example, produces 13,000 mg. of Vitamin C a day in its liver. And those animals who (like us) need to get these nutrients from their diet, eat lots of fresh, raw, nutrient-rich food. Gorillas, for example, get about 4,000 mg. of Vitamin C per day from their diet.
Understanding Cause Leads to Cure
“The beauty of our research is that, once the cause of atherosclerosis is clearly understood as a chronic nutritional deficiency, the prevention and cure of atherosclerosis become obvious.
Proper Nutrition To The Rescue
“The nutrients that are needed to help your body effect repairs to the cardiovascular system are well known. What is not well known are the nutrients that are needed to help your body dissolve the atherosclerotic plaque. Here’s what we know so far:
Lysine’s and Proline’s “Teflon” Properties
“Lp(a) has both l-lysine and l-proline receptors. You can think of a receptor as a simple lock and key. Only one key will fit into a lock (receptor). There may be multiple receptors on the molecule, but once they are all filled up with keys (l-lysine or l-proline) the Lp(a) molecule looses its ability to bind with the lysine / proline binding sites on the damaged artery wall. L-lysine and l-proline, therefore, form a protective ‘Teflon’ layer around the Lp(a) molecules and prevent them from depositing more plaque.
Releasing Plaque From Artery Wall
“Furthermore, when l-lysine and l-proline are combined synergistically with other nutrients and administered in the proper dosages, they competitively interfere with the binding of Lp(a) at the site of the lesion and actually help to release Lp(a) and other atherogenic lipoproteins from the vascular wall.
Profound Health Benefits
“We have witnessed profound health improvements even in patients with a variety of severe heart conditions after using this nutritional protocol. People with severe heart disease who have adopted this nutritional program report relief of their angina-pectoris pain in a short period of time, often as little as 2 weeks.
Prescription Drugs vs The Pauling Therapy
“It is our observation that the Pauling Therapy stands any comparison with prescription drugs in the therapy of atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, hypertension, heart failure, as well as for the prevention of diabetic vascular disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease. And, of course, the Pauling Therapy has the long-term benefit of restoring and maintaining cardiovascular integrity, something pharmaceutical drugs can not do.”
“We expect that this research, when accepted by the medical profession and the public at large, will lead to the almost complete eradication of heart disease.”
What is Needed
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get enough of these heart-healthy nutrients from your diet. Nutritional supplements are needed to help your body repair the damage caused by years of improper nutrition and to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.
The ingredients in the Pauling Therapy are supported by 300 years of scientific/medical research and clinical experience. These studies were published in well-respected, peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals (such as the Journal of the American Medical Association). The Pauling Therapy is not only effective, but has also been proven safe for those on heart medicines such as statins and blood thinners.
This information is NOT hidden, but neither is it well-known. And, since nutritional science is not taught in most medical schools, most doctors are not aware of this research. More and more doctors, however, are seeing the results of this nutritional protocol and are whole-heartedly endorsing the Pauling Therapy.

The above quotes were taken from the following sources:
Hypothesis: Lipoprotein(a) is a Surrogate for Ascorbate. Linus Pauling and Matthias Rath. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 1990, Vol 87, pgs 6204-6207.
Atherosclerosis: Its Primary Cause is Ascorbate Deficiency Leading to the Deposition of Lipoprotein(a) and Fibrinogen/Fibrin in the Vascular Wall. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1991, Vol 6, pgs 125-134.
Apoprotein(a) is an Adhesive Protein. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1991, Vol 6, pgs 139-143.
A Unified Theory of Human Cardiovascular Disease Leading the Way to the Abolition of this Disease as a Cause for Human Mortality. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 5-15.
Plasmin-induced Proteolysis and the Role of Apoprotein(a), Lysine, and Synthetic Lysine Analogs. Matthias Rath and Linus Pauling. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 17-23.
Lipoprotein(a) Reduction by Ascorbate. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 81-82.
Solution to the Puzzle of Human Evolution. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 73-80.
Reducing the Risk for Cardiovascular Disease with Nutritional Supplements. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1992, Vol 7, pgs 153-162.
A New Era in Medicine. Matthias Rath. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1993, Vol 8, pgs 134-135.
Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks – But People Do: The Discovery that Will Eradicate Heart Disease. Matthias Rath, 1999, Matthias Rath Inc., El Dorado Hills , CA .


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Eleven most expensive fighter jet aircraft in the world

F-22 Raptor Stealth Jet
F-22 Raptor
F-22 Raptor banking left in-flight, showing the
 top view of the aircraft. The engines with afterburners emit a pinkish 
glow. Aircraft mostly gray, apart from the gold cockpit window, with 
hints of bluish condensation on the wings.
The F-22 Raptor
Role Stealth air superiority fighter
National origin United States
Manufacturer Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Boeing Integrated Defense Systems
First flight F-22: 7 September 1997[1]
Introduced 15 December 2005
Status In service[2]
Primary user United States Air Force
Number built 168 as of October 2010 (187 planned)[3]
Program cost US$65 billion[4]
Unit cost US$150 million (flyaway cost for FY2009)[5]
Developed from Lockheed YF-22
Developed into Lockheed Martin X-44 MANTA
Lockheed Martin FB-22
The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence roles.[6] Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor and is responsible for the majority of the airframe, weapon systems and final assembly of the F-22. Program partner Boeing Defense, Space & Security provides the wings, aft fuselage, avionics integration, and all of the pilot and maintenance training systems.
The aircraft was variously designated F-22 and F/A-22 during the years prior to formally entering USAF service in December 2005 as the F-22A. Despite a protracted and costly development period, the United States Air Force considers the F-22 a critical component of US tactical air power, and claims that the aircraft is unmatched by any known or projected fighter,[2] while Lockheed Martin claims that the Raptor's combination of stealth, speed, agility, precision and situational awareness, combined with air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities, makes it the best overall fighter in the world today.[7] Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, Chief of the Australian Defence Force, said in 2004 that the "F-22 will be the most outstanding fighter plane ever built."[8]
The high cost of the aircraft, a lack of clear air-to-air combat missions because of delays in the Russian and Chinese fifth generation fighter programs, a US ban on Raptor exports, and the ongoing development of the supposedly cheaper and more versatile F-35 resulted in calls to end F-22 production.[N 1] In April 2009 the US Department of Defense proposed to cease placing new orders, subject to Congressional approval, for a final procurement tally of 187 Raptors.[10] The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 lacked funding for further F-22 production.

C-17A Globemaster III
C-17 Globemaster III
USAF C-17 Globemaster IIIs on a low-level training mission over the Blue Ridge Mountains
Role Strategic/tactical airlifter
National origin United States
Manufacturer McDonnell Douglas / Boeing
First flight 15 September 1991
Introduction 14 July 1993
Status In production, and in service
Primary users United States Air Force
Royal Air Force
Royal Australian Air Force
Canadian Forces
Number built 232 as of June 2011
Unit cost $191 million (2010)[1]
Developed from McDonnell Douglas YC-15
The Boeing (formerly McDonnell Douglas) C-17 Globemaster III is a large military transport aircraft. Developed for the United States Air Force from the 1980s to the early 1990s by McDonnell Douglas, the C-17 is used for rapid strategic airlift of troops and cargo to main operating bases or forward operating bases throughout the world; it can also perform tactical airlift, medical evacuation and airdrop missions. The C-17 carries the name of two previous, unrelated U.S. military cargo aircraft, the Douglas C-74 Globemaster and the Douglas C-124 Globemaster II.
In addition to the U.S. Air Force, the C-17 is operated by the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The C-17 also serves with the Heavy Airlift Wing of NATO. Additionally, India has approved the purchase of C-17s.

P-8A Poseidon
VH-71 Kestrel
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
B-1B Lancer Strategic Bomber
F-35 Lightning II
V-22 Osprey
F/A-18 Hornet
EA-18G Growler
B-2 Spirit Bomber
Updated June 29, 2011