Sunday, June 26, 2011

Foods That Reduce Clogged Arteries

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Foods That Reduce Clogged Arteries

Foods That Reduce Clogged ArteriesArterial clogs occur due to plaque build up. Plaque is comprised of fat, cholesterol and calcium. Blocked arteries prevent oxygen-rich blood from flowing to and from your heart, which ultimately makes your heart work harder to supply the body with blood. The eventual consequence of arterial blockage is heart attack or stroke, in addition to the risk of developing heart disease and other organ damage. Different factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes contribute to clogged arteries. However, each condition is helped by changing poor dietary habits and eating foods that promote heart health.

Nuts and Seeds

--> Nuts such as walnuts, almonds and pistachios reduce blood cholesterol and improve arterial health. indicates that nuts contain polyunsaturated fats, which remain in liquid form in the bloodstream, as opposed to hardening and causing blockage. Sunflower, sesame and wheat germ seeds are also significant for reducing cholesterol build up in the arteries. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggests eating approximately 1.5oz of nuts or seeds daily to improve your chances of healthy blood flow in your arteries and to also reduce your low density lipoprotein, or bad cholesterol levels. Stay away from salted or sugar coated nuts and avoid overeating nuts because they are high in calories.


Adding fish to your diet is important for protecting your heart from blood clots and inflammation. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, which is not made naturally by the body, but plays an important role in reducing the risk of developing heart and neurological conditions. The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute suggests eating two meals with fish every week to reduce arterial blockage. Omega-3 is highest in fish such as mackerel, salmon and tuna. Grill, broil or bake your fish using herbs and spices instead of oils with high sodium and sugar content.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are a significant source of fiber, which is important in lowering blood cholesterol and reducing plaque in your arteries. The American Heart Association recommends eating 25 to 30g of dietary fiber daily. Fruits such as citrus, apples and strawberries are highest in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber stabilizes blood glucose levels and decreases LDL cholesterol in the blood by slowing the process of digestion. Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, carrots and turnips provide another source of fiber referred to as insoluble. Insoluble fiber helps to regulate the bowels and remove waste matter from your body. Eating vegetables or fruit with every meal reduces the amount of plaque in your arteries and prevents the incidence of high blood pressure.

Oats, Bran and Grains

Whole grain foods are important for artery health and they also contain a healthy source of fiber. Oatmeal, bran cereal and breads or pastas from whole grains decrease cholesterol and aid in lowering blood pressure. Try to incorporate whole grain products into each meal or in daily snacks. One cup of oatmeal or tuna on whole wheat bread can help protect your arteries. Choose whole grains instead of processed or refined breads to maximize fiber content.

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