Pinging Simplified
Pinging is a process of attracting the search engines for indexing your blogs....
A Blog is a special type of website which has dynamic content constantly being updated as opposed to a static website. A static website's content does not renew itself constantly. Hence it is difficult to attract the search engines repeatedly to index the site. It may take upto two months for a static website to get indexed while blogs are indexed almost immediately. Blogs, because their content constantly renews itself attract the attention of search engines like Google and Yahoo.
A Blog is a special type of website which has dynamic content constantly being updated as opposed to a static website. A static website's content does not renew itself constantly. Hence it is difficult to attract the search engines repeatedly to index the site. It may take upto two months for a static website to get indexed while blogs are indexed almost immediately. Blogs, because their content constantly renews itself attract the attention of search engines like Google and Yahoo.
Ping is the process by which a blog notifies a search engine that new content has been added and the search engine responds by sending its spiders which are automated bots or programs which crawl the site and index its contents. You can automate the ping proces s by going to Settings----->Publishing------->Notify>Yes------>Save Settings. You can also ping multiple search engines with one click at or or
You can ping feedburner at
You can ping Technorati at To get Yahoo to index you faster create a My Yahoo Account.
The URL of your beta blog's feed is
Substitute your actual blog name instead of 'yourblogname' in above links. This will add the content of your blog to the My Yahoo page and Yahoo will send its spiders across faster. To ping Yahoo faster go to Type in your blog url and click on Create Yahoo ping code. A URL link is generated. The link will be of this type :
Bookmark this link in your browser and at the end of publishing any post just click on this bookmark to ping Yahoo.
Pingback is a process by which Web authors request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. Blogger does not currently support pingbacks or trackbacks.
Blogger instead has the Backlinks feature which enables you to keep track of other pages on the web that link to your posts. For example if someone else posts on a topic similar to yours and links back to your post then your post will automatically show a link to the other post. To enable Backlinks go to Settings------>Comments----->Backlinks------->Show--------->Save Settings. These links are shown under the posts with the title "Links to this Post" next to the Comments link. Clicking that link takes you to the post page where all the backlinks are shown under the post and the comments.
You can ping feedburner at
You can ping Technorati at To get Yahoo to index you faster create a My Yahoo Account.
After publishing a post ping the search engines with the URL of your post and not the URL of your blog.At the bottom of your My Yahoo click the Add Content link. In Find Content box clickon Add RSS by url link next to Find Button. In the next window paste your Beta blog Feed url into the text box and click Add.
The URL of your beta blog's feed is
Substitute your actual blog name instead of 'yourblogname' in above links. This will add the content of your blog to the My Yahoo page and Yahoo will send its spiders across faster. To ping Yahoo faster go to Type in your blog url and click on Create Yahoo ping code. A URL link is generated. The link will be of this type :
Bookmark this link in your browser and at the end of publishing any post just click on this bookmark to ping Yahoo.
Pingback is a process by which Web authors request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. Blogger does not currently support pingbacks or trackbacks.
Blogger instead has the Backlinks feature which enables you to keep track of other pages on the web that link to your posts. For example if someone else posts on a topic similar to yours and links back to your post then your post will automatically show a link to the other post. To enable Backlinks go to Settings------>Comments----->Backlinks------->Show--------->Save Settings. These links are shown under the posts with the title "Links to this Post" next to the Comments link. Clicking that link takes you to the post page where all the backlinks are shown under the post and the comments.
posted by Admin 2 @ 2:37 AM
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